Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Burnout: Revenge

So I'm playing through Burnout: Revenge. Same rant as with Star Wars: Republic Commando. The freaking game cheats in order to keep me from winning.

Now I understand that as the levels go up, the game has to get harder. The game designers accomplished this, in part, by increasing the amount of traffic in the game. I accept that, as I accept that I have to be a better driver in order to win. However, when I watch the game change a vehicle from one that I can run into and destroy into a large truck that I can run into to destroy *myself,* I find that unacceptable.

I've also had the game take over the driving, or at the very least ignoring what I was doing in order to cause me to crash. When I pull left on the joystick, I expect the car to go left, not veer to the right in order to crash into a pillar. And I can accept that a car might have pushed me to the right, but then when my car explodes, it should catch the pushing vehicle in the explosion, correct? Then why doesn't it?

But maybe it's just me. :)